Sunday, July 25, 2010

Hello America

This is out of order, but last weekend I went to visit my friend Michael in DC. It was my first venture on Mega Bus and I was very pleased with the trip. Getting in about 7:30, I meet up with Michael, a friend of his Ashley (who is a fellow Gamecock) and a friend of hers (no clue his name but he smelled). First stop was dinner. Michael picked this place called Nando's. It was really cool, you got a table number then went to the counter and ordered. You picked the size of chicken you wanted (1/4, 1/2, whole) then the sauce/spices. Then you pick the sides, great southern sides. Corn on the cobe, garlic bread, mashed potatoes. Yum! Then after dinner we went to Fro Yo, this frozen yogurt place where you could pick the flavor/flavors you wanted (there were 20 or 30) and then add whatever toppings from the topping bar. It was so efficient because you get as much or as little as you want and you can get multiple toppings without paying per toppings. You pay by the ending weight of it.

To cap off the night we took a tour of the Washington, World War II and Lincoln Monuments. It was so beautiful to see them at night and it was cooler and less crowded. Saturday morning we meet up with Ashley again (minus the smelly boy) and drove out to Old Town Alexandria. It was so calm and peaceful. One of the neatest things was at the old torpedo factory they had partitioned it off into individual studios with artists who worked with any medium you could image. There was also this really cool set up where this woman had the steps of how silk worms make silk. We finished there and went to the Mason temple. That place was so creepy and there are some rooms there that you know bad stuff has happened in.

Saturday night we headed off to Wolf Trap to see Idina Menzel. It was with Marvin Hamlisch as conductor and the first section was just the National Orchestra playing songs from various musicals. The second part was Idina Menzel and she, as normal, was amazing. Sunday was a short day, but we headed to the Eastern Market that had the neatest local artists and vendors and grabbed brunch before I had to get to the bus to head back to NYC.

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