This week felt like it went by really fast. I am in the process of applying for jobs, which is nerve-racking and daunting. Now that I have been in the city for a while, I do not want to leave. I love it here, the pace, the atmosphere, the shows. I have thought about looking for jobs in other cities, but I can 't figure out another city that I could work with the arts like I can here in New York. Slowly but surely I am getting to know people which is exciting. Probably the toughest thing about meeting people is that I am not a big drinker and that always seems to be weird. It's not that I am against drinking, but I have never cared for the taste of any of it, so I just don't drink it. I'm just as picky with food! My favorite drink is a champagne sorbet from Madrid, but that isn't easily accessible here in the states. I have found that I love strawberry margaritas. But most restaurants don't make them right. I want half regular margarita and half strawberry; the sour part of the mix but the sweetness of the strawberry - perfection. And not too much tequila. blah! But back to jobs...I have applied to a few. It is hard because they want a bajillion years of experience and I have great experience but most is in the form of an internship. What is frustrating is that paper doesn't begin show the extent of my work.
So Monday was a nice night to chill out and watch my Gamecocks dominate in Game one of the championship at the College World Series against UCLA. They won 7-1 and were is a good position going into Tuesday's game. Tuesday evening I went to see Next Fall.
From their website:
NEXT FALL has captured the hearts and minds of Broadway’s toughest critics and most discerning audiences. In this contemporary love story, sparks of genuine humor lighten even the most difficult moments. The characters speak and act like real people; they have irrational phobias… conflicting beliefs… and lingering secrets. They are two men in love, two parents in denial, and two friends on speed dial. NEXT FALL weaves a story that’s as funny and infuriating and unpredictable as life itself – it will make you smile, laugh and perhaps even cry. Bring someone you care about, take a deep breath, and enjoy this bonafide Broadway hit.
Next Fall was over in time for me to get back to my place to see the end of Game two in the CWS. My wonderful friend Molly had been texting me game updates, but they were not what I wanted to see! We were losing 0-1 in the eighth by the time I started watching. Then we tied the game! I could finally breath. Next came overtime/ extra innings (as if 9 weren't already enough). Tenth inning, nothing, eleventh inning UCLA nothing, Gamecocks, a run! You could see the smile on his face as he ran in, knowing that they had just won. The University of South Carolina GAMECOCKS were the National Champions. It was amazing! Although I am not sure that my neighbors appreciated my cheering. And how are you supposed to go to sleep after that? I was shaking, so excited. So mark your calendars, but July 1 is Gamecock National Championship Day! These are the things that make me miss Columbia soooo much! But I am so proud on my Gamecocks!
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