If you don't already know it, I LOVE Broadway. It's not just the shows, but its everything about them. I am fascinated by the whole process from the initial idea and writing the show to putting it on stage through workshops, and finally, hopefully, making it to the Great White Way (or West End). I especially love the marketing and advertising, but I'm a little bias!
Since my first trip to NYC in 2001, I have been more times than I can count and have seen shows that have changed my life. Although I have been to visit the city with some really cool people, I have never been on a trip entirely with Broadway lovers, which when you want to wait at the stage door and you can come up with a song lyric for any situation, non-Broadway lovers get a little over it.
So for this trip, we have been planning it since December (I know this because we booked on my birthday). Allison, Rachel and I were the original three going and about two weeks ago my friend Cole joined the trip too.
We all arrived in the city Thursday. Cole and I got in the earliest and meet up at Laguardia (which is a feat in itself) and caught a cab to the hotel. Allison was next and Rachel was last because her flight got delayed. Rachel didn't make it for dinner, but the rest of us headed to Ruby Foos, which was a fun restaurant with Asian food served family style. Although our waiter didn't think it was enough food, the portions were huge and we had more than enough food with two
entrees. Luckily with some help from Marques, Rachel made it from the airport in time to grab a quick bit to eat and meet up with us to see "American Idiot." The new musical features Spring Awakening's John Gallagher, Jr. and the music of Green Day. Although it wasn't my favorite for the story, it sort of lacked dialog, the stage, lighting and choreography was brilliant. It is a show unlike anything Broadway has ever seen before. After the show we got to see some of our Spring Awakening favorites, Marques and Alan.
Saturday was a double show day, seeing a matinee of "In the Heights" and the evening performance of "Promises, Promises." I have always had a grudge with "In the Heights." I first saw the show when I went to the Tonys in 2008 and everyone keep talking about how revolutionary it was, but I just didn't see it. It was a combination of "West Side Story" and set in NY like "Brooklyn the Musical" or something. So it has taken two years before I could bring myself to see it. The show was good, Corbin Bleu was playing the lead role of Usnavi and did a good job. Is it the best thing I have ever seen, not really.
While visiting the city I got to tour where I am going to be living this summer, which has an awesome location next to Macy's in Herald Square and has outings to see Broadway shows. What could be better than that?!?!
During our trip we did do other things that see shows. It is unfortunate that shows aren't at more diverse times of the day because we would have loved to see more! Macy's was having their annual Flower Show which featured more than a million flowers in their store. It was beautiful and smelled great as well. One night for dinner we went to Maxie's. I don't recommend it, the food was eatable at best and our table looked like a bad feast at the end. To hit the highlights, the breakfast food came with mashed potatoes, which had a peanut butter consistency and all came with bread, not toast, which was six pieces of cold white bread. And yes, there was jelly, but it
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